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Closing Session (Estland 2007)
R: Hardi Volmer / 14min / Kurzfilm / Animation/ Mystery / estländisch gespr. mit engl. UT
18.12.08 22:00

Weil ein Mann alle Namen aller Götter in allen nur erdenklichen Sprachen fotokopiert, steht das Ende der Welt bevor...

One night there gather weird figures to the Karahundzhi Palteau. They are the figures of God created by Man in different times and cultures - puppets. At the same time in some technical centre there are printed out all letter kombinations in all known languages. According to Tibetian monks this act - writing down all the names of God - will bring along the end of the universe.

Clair-Obscur > What happened so far... > Festival 2008 > Closing Session (Estland 2007)

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