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The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal (Italien 2008)
R: SS-Sunda / 73min / Dokumentarfilm / Exploitation / ital. gespr. mit engl. UTs
20.12.08 14:00

Ein Dokumentarfilm und psychologisch sozio-kultureller Erklärungsversuch, welcher sich mit dem Phänomen der Serial-Killer-Kultfigur Diabolikal beschäftigt, welcher sein Unwesen in den Foto-Romanzo Heften und Fumettos (Comics) der 60er Jahre getrieben hat...

The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal, fantastically and fanatically directed by SS-Sunda, is an amazing 100% true profile of the masked serial killer who began his international wave of terror in 1966. After some background on the socio-political, religious and psychological status of 1960s Italy, the documentary relates the history of nero fumetto (noir comics) with their evil protagonists, and the foto romanzo (photo comics) unique to Italy which set the stage for Sadistik's horrific photo novels!

Clair-Obscur > What happened so far... > Festival 2008 > The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal (Italien 2008)

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