3 Stories (Süd Afrika 2007/08)
R: Cameron Platter / Animationsfilm / English text titles / 20min
Safe Lounge Screen 2
Es geht um: Stripperinnen, Zebras mit Laser-Pistolen, Mr Muafangejo und einen Löwen, ein Krokodil, Gott und die Weltrevolution.
The South African artist Cameron Platter has been called, amongst other things: “the delinquent love child of Quentin Tarantino and Dr Seuss”, “the undisputed king of Afro-bling,” “an agent provocateur with a sinister agenda” and a “hyper-prescient angel of the apocalypse.” Cameron Platter works in drawing, video and sculpture to create comedy-noir installations filled with sex, irony, cynicism and approaching love.