Black up that White Ass II (Süd Afrika 2009)
R: Cameron Platter / Animationsfilm / English text titles / 27min
19.12.09 15:00
Cameron Platters neuester Film beschäftigt sich mit der Ausbeutung und den Stereotypen von farbigen Frauen in Pornofilmen und deren Rache an der kapitalistischen Sexindustrie.
The South African artist Cameron Platter has been called, amongst other things: “the delinquent love child of Quentin Tarantino and Dr Seuss”, “the undisputed king of Afro-bling,” “an agent provocateur with a sinister agenda” and a “hyper-prescient angel of the apocalypse.” Cameron Platter works in drawing, video and sculpture to create comedy-noir installations filled with sex, irony, cynicism and approaching love.