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Manuelle Labor (2007)
R: Maries Losier, Guy Maddin / Kurzfilm / 10 min
19.12.09 20:45

Zwei Schwestern, fünf Brüder, ein Doktor und zwei Krankenschwestern und die übernatürliche Geburt eines Paar Hände…aber wessen Hände…

“Marie, that shot of the hands coming out o’ your womb is a dilly!!! What an honour to be born of you! your son, Guy”
Guy Maddin


Two sisters, five brothers, a doctor and two nurses and the miraculous birth of a pair of hands..but whose hands…

“Marie, that shot of the hands coming out o’ your womb is a dilly!!! What an honour to be born of you! your son, Guy”
Guy Maddin

Clair-Obscur > What happened so far... > Festival 2009 > Manuelle Labor (2007)

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