The Sleuth Incident / D: Jason Kupfer / short film / musical / english language / 12min
Hypnotisch und einlullend ist Jason Kupfers Kurzfilm- ein visuell hyper-realistischer Film über einen Teddy Bären, welcher durch die Strassen wandelt...
"Although visually hyper-realistic, the film unfolds in a dream-like way through its slow pacing, initially monotonous soundtrack and garish color palette. With the cartoonish quality of the super-sharp colors and the long, drawn-out tracking shots of the teddy bear gliding around town, Kupfer does a thorough job of lulling the audience into a hypnotic trance..." Mike Everleth, Underground Film Journal
Bakhyt (Russia 2015) D: Aleksandr Amulin / short film / debut / russian with engl. subtitles / 15min
Bakhyt 21 ist Putz-Mann - Tag für Tag performt er auf höchstem Niveau. Samira 21 ist Putzfrau der untersten Kategorie und sie wird sein Leben verändern...
Bakhyt - 21, cleaner of the highest category. Day by day does nothing except performing functions. Samira - 21, a cleaner of lowest category - girl, who changes entirely not only his work schedule, but life.
Das Blutbad von Bad Blutenburg (Germany 2014) D: Robert hennefarth / short film / German language / 2min
Eine ganze Stadt im Banne der blutgefüllten Badewanne...
A whole city is hypnotized by a bathtub full of blood...
The Noise (Russia 2015) D: Alexander Ezhevski /short film / debut / russian with engl. subtitles / 27min
Eine mysteriöse Begebenheit wird aus der Sicht von drei Standpunkten erzählt...
A mysterious event experienced from three different points of view: a woman only hears it, a boy only sees it, two men take part in it. Will they be able to explain what happened, or will it remain just a noise for them?